Meet Melissa



The Southern Whisk, at its core, was initially created to serve as a way to publish my recipes for posterity. today, it’s evolved into a food blog and cookbook!

i still have visions of my mother and grandmother in their respective kitchens creating magic. it was comforting to create memories around a nice meal we'd collectively created. like many other experiences from my youth, I wish I could relive those nostalgic moments, minus the seemingly endless piles of dishes we washed; I'm still convinced they breed in soapy water.

culinary mastery requires patience and practice, but half the fun lies within the challenge…and sometimes making a mess! the recipes I'm sharing aren't only special to me, many go back four generations. i realize online recipes are a dime a dozen these days, so I hope you'll find more than just recipes here. my goal is to inspire you to make amazing memories of your own in the kitchen.

Thank you for visiting.

Disclaimer: i'm not a professional chef, but i’ve been cooking for my family for over 25 years. my labradors and I sure feel as though we create some pretty yummy dishes that we hope you’ll enjoy.