Tarragon Chicken Salad


Roasted chicken is a staple in our home. Tarragon Chicken Salad is a glorious combo of ingredients that marry and leave you addicted to the sweet and peppery flavors. The combination of tarragon and red bell pepper is crazy awesome, and it's as easy on your wallet as it is on your waistline.

Tarragon Chicken Salad


1 Whole Fryer Chicken

4 T Butter

2 Tsp Sea Salt

2 Tsp Black Pepper

1 T Fresh Rosemary, chopped

1/2 C Vegenaise

1 Red Bell Pepper, finely chopped

1 Stalk Celery, finely chopped

1/2 White Onion, finely chopped

2 T Tarragon

1 T Lemon Juice


  1. Preheat oven to 350° Fahrenheit.

  2. Pat fryer chicken down with paper towels.

  3. Melt butter and drizzle evenly over raw chicken; sprinkle with one teaspoon of sea salt, one teaspoon of black pepper, and rosemary.

  4. Roast chicken for 60 to 90 minutes or until a meat thermometer registers an internal temperature of 165° Fahrenheit.

  5. Allow chicken to rest, covered with foil, for ten minutes after removing from the oven. Bone the chicken.

  6. Using a chef's knife, chop the chicken into small bites instead of shredding it.

  7. In a large bowl, add chopped chicken, Vegenaise or light mayo, bell pepper, celery, onion, tarragon and lemon juice; salt and pepper to taste.

  8. Chill for one hour and serve!

Serve over a fresh bed of spinach or scoop into a hollowed-out red bell pepper or seeded avocado.


xo, Melissa