Classic Glaze


Classic Glaze is in a class of its own in my book. This recipe is perfect for my Homemade Donuts, and I flavor it with strawberry puree, lemon zest, orange zest, bourbon, maple syrup or lavender flowers.

The thicker you make it, the fewer layers you’ll need. If you’re adding elements of flavor, keep it thin so it will spread and drizzle.

Classic Glaze


3 C Confectioners Sugar

1/2 C Milk or Water

1/2 Tsp Mexican or Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Extract

1/4 Tsp Sea Salt


  1. In a large mixing bowl, add confectioners sugar and sea salt; combine using a whisk.

  2. Add milk or water and whisk until lumps are gone.

  3. Add vanilla extract; whisk again.

  4. Drizzle, dip, or glaze!


xo, Melissa