All That Glistens


Welcome toThe Southern Whisk!


I’m thrilled you chose to join me! A strong passion for cooking, entertaining, creating table scapes, and honoring family traditions, while dabbling with new trends, were collective motivations for creating this blog.

As a young girl, I observed my Grandmother, Eileen, create magic with tools and cookware that was well-kept and always in it's place. Half Lebanese and half German, she had a proclivity for setting a beautiful table for the holidays or family dinners, roasted meats to perfection and created a multitude of desserts and savory dishes from scratch. 

"A place for everything and everything in it's place,"
 was certainly applicable in Grandmother's kitchen. She had two full shelves of cookbooks, drawers upon drawers of cook tools, many seasoned cast iron skillets, an entire sideboard pre-treated to prevent sterling silver from turning, four china patterns, monogrammed glassware and linen napkins, and of course, proper electrics to aid her in her cooking. 

21st century cooking and entertaining has infused innovation with tradition and it couldn't be more fun! Organizing your kitchen appropriately, collecting tools and seasonal or trendy accents, and properly caring for your coveted cookware takes time and effort.

”Cleanliness is close to godliness,”
so keep reading to learn how I keep my copper and silver glistening.

For years, peers of mine dissuaded me from purchasing copper cookware. "It's too high maintenance," or "You'll regret it" they’d say without considering the positive attributes of copper. Sure, it takes a little effort to maintain the brilliance of copper, but copper is an excellent conductor of heat; possibly the best. Copper does not corrode and has a high melting point, and the closest competitor to copper is stainless steel...but it's conductivity is 30 times worse than copper's.  Both copper and stainless steel are excellent choices, but don't let a little maintenance deter you from choosing copper! 

To keep my copper glistening and my stainless steel {All-Clad for me, please} sparkling, I use the most phenom cleanser that's non-abrasive and requires little-to-no elbow grease! Bar Keeper's Friend has been kickin' a$$ since 1882, and they have five different products applicable for your cookware, sinks, bathtubs, stovetops and more. I have proof, People, and proof doesn't lie {nor do I, for the record}. 



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xo, Melissa