Whipped Fruit Salad


The perfect companion to warm, savory sides, this fruit salad can easily be made with store-bought topping but I highly discourage it. Homemade whipped cream is out-of-this-world and easy to make if you have a hand or stand mixer. The key to this Whipped Fruit Salad is ensuring you drain the juices multiple times so they don’t break down the whipped cream. I don’t add pecans, walnuts, or shredded coconut but you absolutely could!

If you read this pre-Thanksgiving, I can’t find my photo from last year! I’ll upload a photo of this year’s salad soon.



1 Can Pineapple Chunks in Pineapple Juice

1 Can Red Tart or Royal Anne Cherries *not pie filling*

1 Can Pear Halves, cubed or sliced

1 Can Mandarin Oranges

1 Whole Banana

2 Red Apples of Choice

20-30 Red, Seedless Grapes, Quartered

1 Pint Heavy Whipping Cream

1 C Cane Sugar


  1. Add a large colander to a large mixing bowl.

  2. Empty contents of pineapple chunks, cherries, and mandarin oranges into colander.

  3. using a slotted spoon, gently stir fruit so as to release the juice but not bruise it.

  4. Lift colander, discard juice, repeat twice.

  5. In a small mixing bowl, add cream and sugar; beat well with a hand mixer until stiff peaks form.

  6. Add drained fruit, pears, grapes, bananas, and whipped cream to your serving bowl of choice; stir to combine.

  7. Cover with plastic wrap, chill for one hour, and serve!


xo, Melissa