Peach Bellini


Peach Bellini is my favorite flavor these days; from Sugarfina gummies to this gorgeous cocktail. If peaches aren’t in season, you can purchase a peach puree like this one. Sweet, bubbly prosecco + peaches makes one killer combo.

Peach Bellini


2 Fresh Peaches (seeded, peeled, sliced)

1 Tsp Organic Cane Sugar

1 T Lemon Juice

Prosecco, chilled

Fresh Peach Slices


  1. Place the peaches (minus a few slices for garnishing), sugar and lemon juice into a food processor; blend into a peach pureé.

  2. Place 1-1/2 ounces of peach pureé into the bottom of a chilled champagne flute and fill with chilled prosecco.

  3. Garnish with a peach slice and serve!


xo, Melissa